F*CK the Hustle with Megan Arneson — ZEN Hustlers

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F*CK the Hustle with Megan Arneson


Meet: Megan Arneson

Work: Feminine Embodiment Coach & F*CK the HUSTLE podcast

Role: Feminine Embodiment Coach

HQ city: US nomad


Social: @meganlynnarneson #fuckthehustle

How does your work fulfill you and your purpose in life?

My core purpose in doing all the work that I do is to inspire and empower humans to stop giving away their power and stand in their own Sovereignty. To become the fully expressed versions of the Truth of who they are. We’ve been taught that we have to do more, be more, achieve more, work harder to be worthy. And that’s crap. And no one in our current world has escaped.

Where is your favorite place to visit in the world and why?

Deep inside myself where my soul consciousness resides. Everything I need is there. As a nomad, every physical place that is deep in nature or includes a wide-open, expansive view is my favorite – and it’s in those places that I’m most deeply able to connect to my higher self.

Who do you want to meet and why?

Everyone!! I’m so deeply curious about people and the workings of the ego, the mind, the higher self and the false limitations we put on ourselves to create what we perceive as reality. I want to talk to everyone about it!

Who did you want to meet why?

Harriet Tubman. I did a project on her life and legacy in 4th grade and was obsessed. I feel like we must have been connected in a past life. 

What are you reading right now?

Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott, PhD

Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, PhD

What are you watching? If any…

I just bought the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy and I’ve been working my way through it after having read all the books and watched all the movies years ago. So many amazing lessons about the ego and systems of hierarchy and repression, as well as freedom and love.

What do you do to fully relax?

Go outside as deep in nature as I possibly can – alone. 

When are you most in flow, productive, energized?

When I am disconnected from my mind. 

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness? If so, how?

Daily meditation can take many different forms. I allow my higher self to lead me. Sometimes it’s sitting in quiet and staring at a wall, sometimes it’s listening to a guided meditation or meditation music, sometimes it’s a walking meditation outside, sometimes it’s ecstatic dance or some other form of self-pleasure. I wouldn’t call it mindfulness. It’s definitely going beyond the mind. That’s where all the best stuff is anyway. 

Who taught you how to hustle?

Literally EVERYONE around me.  

What keeps you up at night?

Not much, I recognize that 99% of my irritations and frustrations originate from my conscious and unconscious beliefs, so I’m curious about them. I practice becoming aware of them and if needed, I process the resulting emotions through my body and let them go. Then choose, on purpose, what belief I would like to practice instead. Lately, I’ve been waking up at 5am, so inspired and energized, nothing to process, just following creative flow. My mind is annoyed because it thinks I need more rest, but when I get centered, it’s pretty easy to let go. 

Do you exercise?

Yoga, dancing, hiking, and snowshoeing. 

What communities inspire you?

This is a loaded question for me because many of the communities I most admire are private in order to create safety for the participants. That said, my ego-mind thinks it’s sad that we live in a world that’s so unsafe that we have to create such private communities. And my higher self says: it is what it is, and it’s all beautiful and divine. So my favorite communities are those that take a non-dualistic approach to unwinding the conditioning of Patriarchy and offer an invitation into the highest realization and the highest teachings and honor all beings at every level of consciousness. 

Are you more Hustle or more Zen lately?

F*CK the HUSTLE all the way!!! LOL. 

What would you do if you did not do your existing work or business?

Nothing? I mean, I can’t not do what I’m doing. 

How do you define a good work-life balance, and how important do you think it is?

Well, it starts with the idea that balance is not static. No matter how hard we try to get there and stay there, it’s impossible. But it’s really important to slow down enough to have an awareness when the pendulum has swung too far to one side, and know that to come back to a place closer to homeostasis might require that you swing pretty far to the other side. Acceptance of what is – where we are in the moment – will get us much closer to this perception of balance much faster than resisting it. Balance, for me, is a place where I’m making micro-adjustments to my thoughts and feelings and actions, rather than judging what is as being wrong, then blowing everything up and/or running away (over-correcting, which creates a lot of momentum in the opposite direction – although sometimes this is SUPER necessary.)

Personal relationships. How has this affected your balance?

Ha, great question. As per the above, I was so far out of balance when I took one of the biggest steps in my F*CK the HUSTLE journey. I was drowning and felt like I’d lost myself in a relationship with a covert narcissist. When I left, it felt like I’d just blown up my entire life. So I shut down and stayed away from people for a long time after that. Opening myself up didn’t feel safe because I didn’t have boundaries. Now, I’ve identified what I want and learned to communicate my boundaries with friends, family, and romantic partners so that I maintain my own balance. I’ve learned to say no, with kindness. And it seems backward, but when I protect my own needs in that way, I show up so much more fun and open in those relationships.

What is some advice you would give to new or struggling entrepreneurs and hustlers that seem out of balance?

Stop listening to what everyone else is telling you that you should do. Learn to listen in and trust your own higher guidance. YOU have all the answers within you. No one outside of you has any power or knowledge that deems them as the authority. We’ve all been conditioned to believe this but it’s simply not true. Go beyond your mind and you will see that everything you’ve been seeking has been right there all along. 

What advice would you tell your younger self?

See above, literally word for word the same advice. 

What is one issue you are out to change in the world?

I sincerely believe it’s not my job to change other people or to change what is. I used to think this way, but I recognize everyone is here for their own experience. And the dark has to exist if there is to be life. The contrast is an important piece of the puzzle. That said, as people have their own connection and wake up and begin to follow their inner authority, well then EVERYTHING changes, doesn’t it? And if I can inspire others on their own path by simply following and sharing mine, it’s a win-win. I have a vision about creating co-housing communities that give a leg-up to anyone seeking a more feminine container for healing and living and awakening. I watched ‘MAID’ recently and it hit me in the heart. I would love to provide housing for everyone who is deeply interested in personal healing and systemic change.  

What is your favorite mantra?

Relax, release, allow.  This is what I hear from my ‘Inner Voice’ nearly every time we have a conversation (between my mind and my higher self.) It’s really simple advice that applies to nearly every situation and F*ck the Hustle of course.

Your last 2¢?

This planet is hungry for and desirous of a new approach to life, work, relationships, love and community that honors all the messy, dark human parts of us as well as the higher consciousness light parts of us, but we can’t allow and accept this wholeness as long as we are in the hustle and allowing the Patriarchal system to inform and direct our every move. Find the knowing within and follow it!

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