Balance on the edge

Balance Blog

Meet the Mind Detective to Overcome Self Doubt with Michele Molitor

Michele Molitor the Mind Detective

Michele Molitor, CPCC, PCC, RTT, CHt

Nectar Consulting, Inc.

CEO, Mind Detective

HQ: Hayward, CA

IG: Rapdrewire

#DoWellByDoingGood #RapidRewire #SomedayStartsNow #UnlockThePowerOfYou

Free Self-Doubt Quiz

Where is your favorite place to visit in the world and why?
Paris France. It’s where my soul feels at home.

Who do you want to meet? 
Barack and Michelle Obama

Who did you want to meet why?
Einstein - I love a brilliant mind!

How does your work fulfill you, your purpose in life?
My passion and purpose is in helping others reclaim their confidence and live fully into their values, passion and purpose. To empower them to share their gifts, talents and expertise in a way that helps raise the vibration of the planet.

What are you reading right now?

“Untethered Living” by Michael Singer I’m re-reading it for the 3rd time!

What are you watching?

Netflix… LOL

When most relaxed?

Out on my back porch, watching the hummingbirds dance about and chitter at each other or hiking in amongst the trees

When are you most in flow, productive, energized?

When I’m creating: writing an article, building a course, working on a painting, crafting graphics for any of those!

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness, if so, how?
Yes. Usually in a comfy chair :) 

Who taught you how to hustle?

I learned from my parents - they’ve been married and business partners for almost 64 years.

What keeps you up at night?

Wondering if I’ve done enough…

Do you exercise?

Yes - hiking

What communities inspire you?

Any community that helps bring out the best in others, is a proponent for equal rights and justice.

Are you more Hustle or more Zen, lately? 


What would you do if you did not do your existing work/business?

I can’t imagine doing anything else… I love my work as a coach and hypnotherapist.

How do you define a good work/life balance, and how important do you think it is? 

Yes it’s important, do I always get it right… no. Making time for people, animals, causes that are important to you.

Are you married, partnership, have kids? How has this impacted your balance?

Divorced with fur babies, I love my work and it fills my cup. As does spending time with my family and friends.

What’s some advice you would give to new or struggling entrepreneurs/hustlers that seem out of balance?

Take time to evaluate what IS important to you and what values are getting 

stepped on that’s taking you out of balance.

What advice would you tell your younger self?

Believe in yourself, know that you are enough and stop caring so much about what your family does or doesn’t approve of or appreciate about you.

What is one issue you are out to change in the world?  

To help raise the vibration of the planet to create a kinder, more loving place for everyone.

What is your favorite quote, mantra, motto?

Rewire your brain.

Think new thoughts.

Your life will follow.

More about Michele

As the founder and CEO of Nectar Consulting, Inc., and co-author of the best-selling book “Breakthrough Healing.” Michele works with executives and entrepreneurs bringing over 30 years of experience, intuitive insights and strategic business savvy to your success.

Michele’s unique Rapid Rewiring™ approach combines coaching + a variety of other science based techniques including emotional intelligence, neuroscience, positive psychology, epigenetics, Rapid Transformational Therapy and HeartHealing™ 

Her clients dubbed her “The Mind Detective” because she is an expert at helping high achieving professionals get at the root causes of their blocks created by self-doubt, imposter syndrome, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout, and eliminate them. She assists her clients to achieve greater confidence and self-worth so they can be more productive and satisfied in their careers, have more time for health, home life and hobbies, to amplify their success with greater ease and balance.

She has provided executive coaching, training, leadership development, organizational development and Rapid Transformational Therapy globally to individuals and entire organizations in a variety of industries verticals. Helping organizations revitalize their teams, enhance emotional intelligence, create strong cultures of positive communication while infusing them with clarity, purpose and greater productivity.

As a nationally recognized speaker, certified executive coach, certified Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and HeartHealing® practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, consultant, trainer, and writer, Michele’s passion for helping amplify natural talents and expand leadership is conveyed through all aspects of her work and writing.

Nectar Consulting, Inc. is also a Certified B Corporation.


Free Self-Doubt Quiz: 

Taming Your Self-Doubt 90-minute Masterclass -  

Imposter Syndrome Free eBook: 

How To Become UnShakeable 7-week online course:

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Do you have a zen hustlers experience to share and a way to pay it forward, let’s talk!